Country: Tanzania
Location:Kigoma, Kagera, Rukwa, Katavi, Iringa Njombe and Ruvuma regions
Professional Staff provided by our Organization:Prof K.N. Njau (Team Leader) ,Joseph Kangile (Agricultural Economist) ,Anthony Muchoki (Impact Stories Expert) , Mr. Evody T. Ndumiwe (Survey Coordinator) 
Name of Client:  The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
Start Date: Jan 2021   Completion date: June 2021   

Narrative Description of Project:

Launched in 2017, the Partnership for Inclusive Agricultural Transformation in Africa (PIATA) is an initiative of AGRA, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Rockefeller Foundation and USAID. The implementation of the Pan-African Partnership for Inclusive Agricultural Transformation in Africa PIATA is an important collaboration and commitment of development partners, governments, farmers and the private sector. That same year, PIATA was piloted in Tanzania, with stakeholders renaming “PIATA Tija” or “Kilimo TIJA”, meaning solution-based agriculture in the Kiswahili language. AGRA implemented PIATA-Tija from 2017 to 2020 promoting a market-led approach to improve profitability of grain value chains in seven of Tanzania's 31 administrative regions. These were Kigoma, Kagera, Rukwa, Katavi, Iringa Njombe and Ruvuma regions. The project impacted over 765,000 smallholder farmers, of whom 60% were male and 40% female, by increasing their capacities to adapt to market-led production and reducing the shocks and stresses across the whole agricultural value chain.

The capacity building included training and practical field demonstrations on good agricultural practices (GAPs), extension methods, and entrepreneurship. Farmers also learned the application of principles for increased production and post-production processes, ensuring safe and healthy foods, as well as taking into account economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

ENVICON was commissioned by AGRA to document evidence-based impact/success stories, best practices, lessons learned, successful innovations, opportunities, gaps, challenges, and processes/approaches as a result of AGRA’s investments on PIATA Tija. Utilization Focused Evaluation (UFE) method was used in documentation of storie

Services Provided by ENVICON:

  • Establish the impact metrics (indicators) used for measuring impact or success of processes or intervention;
  • Prepare checklist for collection data and information for impact stories
  • Conduct field visits in AGRA project areas for interview, observation and collection of information and data from AGRA partners and beneficiaries for documentation of stories;
  • Take the best photo with high quality for inclusion in every storyline developed;
  • Compile documented 19 evidence-based impact stories.